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The Village of Newburg Sanitary Sewer Treatment Facility and staff are responsible for the effective treatment of wastewater resulting from businesses and residences, that flows into the Milwaukee River.  If operations at the plant were to cease, all wastewater output would have to be diverted to private systems or tanks in order to avoid illegally dumping black water and debris into the river system.


For Billing Inquiries Contact Village Hall

Phone: (262) 675-2160

Wastewater Treatment Plant Overview

The Village of Newburg Sanitary Sewer Treatment Facility is approximately 20-25 years old and consists of preliminary treatment, secondary treatment, disinfection and solids handling.

  • Preliminary Treatment – Through a 12-inch pipe, raw wastewater flows through a flume-style flow meter into an oxidation ditch and influent (inflowing liquid) is measured.  The flow signal is transmitted to a chart recorder to totalize and document influent flow.  This flow reading is later used in the disinfection process to pace UV disinfection as well as influent and effluent (outflowing product remains) flow sampling.  Preliminary treatment uses grinder equipment to shred large debris.
  • Secondary Treatment – Microorganisms assist with the biological treatment of organics in the oxidation ditch.  Mechanical aeration provides an oxygen-rich environment for the microorganisms to thrive.  Organics are then reduced to simpler forms. The mixture of treated water and microorganisms then flows to the final clarifier where microorganisms and other solids settle.  A portion of the settled sludge is pumped back to the channel and the clear remainder flows over the weirs.  The remainder of the settled solids are pumped into a storage tank.
  • Disinfection – The clear effluent of the final clarifier flows by gravity to a UV-light channel for disinfection.[1] These low pressure mercury bulbs disrupt the genetic material of pathogens, preventing reproduction.  The treated water is then sampled and tested ensuring WPDES[2] permit requirements have been met for BOD[3], SS[4], pH[5], fecal coliform, and phosphorus.  The final product is discharged into the nearby Milwaukee River. 
  • Basic Collection System Data
    • Treatment Facilities:            1
    • Lift Stations:                         2 (Carmody and Main)
    • Design Capacity:                  1.058 million gallons
    • Average Daily Flow:             0.109 MGD (millions of gallons per day)
    • Average Dry Flow:               0.08 MGD
    • Service Area:                        0.89 square miles
    • Service Population:             1,254 persons
    • Annual Precipitation:          36.21 inches
    • Gravity Sewer:                      7 miles