Newburg Police Department
The Newburg Police Department (NPD) serves as a security team for the village. While crime in Newburg is very low and there are not many far-reaching investigations needed, the NPD serves to monitor roadway law compliance (speeding, parking), public safety (Newburg Picnic, Trick-or-Treating), ordinance enforcement, and security functions (monitoring public meetings, patrolling neighborhoods, watching over homes when owners are away, and doing welfare checks on residents who might be in trouble).
The NPD is a part-time department. If a resident has an emergency, they should dial 9-1-1. Non-emergencies requiring immediate assistance should contact the Washington County or Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Departments. The Village of Newburg is located in both counties.
For questions or concerns not requiring immediate assistance or pertaining to distinctly "village" issues, such as enforcement of local ordinances, residents can call the Newburg Police Department to leave a message for an officer.
DIAL 911