Election Information

The Village Clerk is responsible for establishing polling places, acquiring voting equipment, recruiting and training poll workers, maintaining voter lists, administering absentee voting, and supervising the conduct of elections on Election Day.

For Questions regarding election please contact the Village Clerk Brandy Loveland Seelow at bloveland@village.newburg.wi.us

The Village of Newburg is governed by a non-partisan Board of Trustees consisting of seven members.  The Village President is the member that presides over meetings and is considered “first amongst equals.”  The Village President along with three Trustees are elected in the spring of odd-numbered years for two-year terms, and the remaining three Trustees are elected in the spring of even years for two-year terms.  Please see the village clerk if you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Trustees.  The process involves circulating nomination papers, which runs from early December to early January each year for the upcoming spring election.  Also of note; in the event of a position vacancy, the Board may choose to appoint someone to fill it, to hold a special election, or to allow it to remain vacant until the seat’s normally scheduled election is held.
As the Village lies between two counties, we hold elections for both Washington and Ozaukee County elected officials, and of course, State of Wisconsin, and U.S. Federal government leadership.  Non-partisan elections are held in the spring and partisan elections are held in the fall.  Each season holds a general election where the winner is selected by the majority vote.  If so many candidates run for a position that it creates a contest that is more than two candidates for each seat available, there is a primary election held with a goal of allowing only the two most popular candidates to proceed to the general election.  Note: Sometimes a primary election for one office is held on the same day as the general election for another office.  For example, in 2024, the Presidential Preference Primary election will be held on April 4th, moving toward a General Election in November; also on April 4th, on the same ballot, the Spring election is held.
Questions about voting, requesting absentee ballots, being a candidate, etc...?  Contact the Village Clerk at (262) 675-2160 or newburg_clerk@village.newburg.wi.us for more information.