Village of Newburg
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole
and Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm
Village Hall, 620 W. Main St. Newburg, Wisconsin

AGENDA – REVISED 10/28/2020



President Dave DeLuka, Trustee Mike Enright, Trustee Bill Sackett, Trustee Amy Marquardt, Trustee Lynn Burkard, Trustee Brooke Stangel, Trustee Sandy Stockhausen



Special BOT Meeting – October 1, 2020


Members of the public are invited to address the Village Board regarding any topic of public concern. Those who wish to speak are asked to complete a written card to register with the clerk. The chairperson will then call on individuals to address the council from the front table in an orderly fashion for up to three minutes each.


Appointment: Kathryn Walczyk to the Community Center Commission for a term ending 6/30/2021.

Appointment: Michael Heili to the Plan Commission for a term ending 6/30/2021.


Newburg Fire Department (Mr. Paul Fahey, President or designee)

Q&A regarding the newly installed water tanks and well access in Fireman’s Park.

Claim regarding 2003 Well Agreement for the Community Center.

Building Inspection / Zoning / Emergency Management.

(Mr. Walt Grotelueschen, Building Inspector/Zoning Admin./EM Director)

Law Enforcement. (Trustee Marquardt, Chair; with Police Chief Mike Foeger)

Oversee operation of the Police Department, except for disciplinary matters, review state legislation; review all license applications; recommend ordinance amendments; as prescribed in ordinance §31.04(3).

Public Works.

(Trustee Stangel, DPW Chair / Trustee Enright, Parks Commission Chair / DPW Director Nate Wendelborn)

Responsible for overseeing all public works projects, street maintenance, storm sewers, and maintenance of village parks; works with consultants regarding proposed capital improvements to this system; as prescribed in ordinance §31.04(2).

File 2020-30: Appointing Stantec Consulting as the Engineer and Planner for the Village of Newburg.

Sanitary Sewer. (Trustee Sackett, Chair; with DPW Director Nate Wendelborn)

Operation and maintenance of the sewer collection and treatment system; works will village consultants in regard to proposed capital improvements to the system; makes periodic reviews of user regulations and service charges; reviews proposed extensions to the system; as prescribed in ordinance §31.04(4).

Community Center Commission. (Trustee Burkard, Chair; with Trustee Stockhausen, Member.)

The Community Center Commission consists of five members, of which two are trustees and three are citizens. It meets on the third Tuesday in the first month of each quarter. Relevant ordinances include: §32.04(G) – Shall develop recommendations for maintenance and future use planning of the community center, be responsible for planning events not otherwise taken up by village staff, and for coordinating volunteer activities necessary for the survival of the community center in the public interest.

Personnel and Finance. (President DeLuka, Chair; with Administrator/Treasurer Deanna Alexander)

Personnel matters involving full-time employees and part-time management staff, such as hiring, discipline, and firing as well as wages for all employees; shall assist in the development of the annual budget; as prescribed in ordinance §31.04(1).

Discussion on recommendations from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities’ article regarding compensatory time off.
(Requested by Stockhausen at the 9/24/20 COW, laid over at the 10/1/20 BOT).

Verbal update on 2020 employee performance reviews.

Written report on 2017, 2018, and Q1 2019 Payroll Tax Delinquencies Reconciled with IRS in 2020.

Presentation of financial reports, bills, and claims through September 2020.

General Fund – Balance Sheet
General Fund – Profit & Loss
General Fund – Payroll by Hours & Dollars
General Fund – Unpaid Bills

Sanitary Fund – Balance Sheet
Sanitary Fund – Profit & Loss

Presentation of the Administrator’s Recommended 2021 Budget.
Informational only. Summary Budget Document to be distributed on 10/29/20 for initial review.  Due to quarantining, presentation on full budget at BOT meeting on 11/12/20, due date for amendment requests extended to 11/18/20, and considered for a vote on 11/19/20.  If more time is necessary for budget approval, 11/20/20 is scheduled as a back-up date. 

Verbal discussion on purchasing tablets for virtual meeting accommodations due to COVID-19.

Verbal discussion on reducing in-person village hall public access after the election due to COVID-19.



ADDITIONAL NOTICES: Please know that the governmental body meeting under this notice may take action on items listed in the agenda, including items presented for discussion or in report form for informational purposes. Please note that it is possible members of other governmental bodies may be in attendance during the meeting referenced in this notice. Although their combined presence may constitute a quorum, no official meeting nor action by any governmental body will be taken other than during its scheduled meeting time as set forth in this meeting notice. The Village of Newburg intends to provide equal opportunity for everyone to participate in public meetings. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities or special needs through the appropriate aids and services. To request this service, contact the Village Clerk at (262) 675-2160.