Emergency Management – Minutes
Present: Emergency Director John Beimborn, Assistant Director Al Wollner, Village President Mike Heili, Police Chief Mike Mader, Fire Chief Dave Geidel, Assistant Fire Chief Walt Groteleuschen, & Superintendent of Public Works Paul Becker.
New Business
Discussion on Temporary Emergency Action Plan for Dam, Bonestroo Engineering went over the Emergency Plan with the committee and explained that this is only a draft and asked very one to take it home and mark it up with recommended changes and return to the village all by September 15th. Bonestroo will compile the information for the next meeting, October 7th to review.
Motion was made by Al Wollner to adjourn and second by John Beimborn, Motion Passed.
The meeting of the Village of Newburg Emergency Management Committee for September 20, 2005 was called to order. Roll call of members, officers and trustees was performed. Present were: President Sackett, Emergency Gov. Director Neils, Deputy Emergency Gov. Director Beitz, Public Works Superintendent Woda, Fire Chief Waldkirch, Assistant Fire Chief Grotelueschen, Trustee Chesak. Not present was Police Chief Maeder.
Old Business
New Business
Discussion and possible action on appointment of a committee and committee members. Discussion was held on the form of a committee to be recommended to the Village Board create an Emergency Management Committee consisting of: Village President, Director and Deputy Director of Emergency Management, Superintendent of Public Works, Newburg Fire Chief, Newburg Assistant Fire Chief, Newburg Police Chief. An open vote was taken with a unanimous recommendation to send to the village board for approval.
Discussion of responsibilities of government, emergency management, fire and police services, public works, sanitary departments and how each responsibility will support the others. Discussion was held reiterating the various entities responsibilities in the event of a disaster in the village. It was recognized that the Newburg Fire Department will assume its normal responsibilities regarding the protection of life and property and that they will use their mutual aid resources to supplement any shortfall in resources.
The Public Works Dept. will assume its normal responsibility to clear and maintain public infrastructures and roadways and will use existing mutual aid resources to supplement any shortfall in resources.
It is assumed the Police Dept. will respond similarly.
In the event the resources of any of these services are expended and additional assistance is necessary, Emergency Management will be contacted and will act in the following manner:
1. Contact the Chief Elected Official of the Village of Newburg to secure a disaster declaration.
2. Forward this disaster declaration to the Director of Emergency Management of Washington along with requests for additional resources required by the Fire, Police and/or Public Works services and requests for assistance in any needed evacuations and/or sheltering.
3. Prepare and file initial damage estimates to Washington County within the first 24 hours of the disaster declaration.
All parties recognize the importance of prompt and open communications to execute a response in the most timely and effective manner.
Discussion of procedures for controlling access to restricted areas.
Director Neils will follow up with Police Chief Maeder on securing photo identification cards for Emergency Management Officials. He will also follow up on Fire Chief Waldkirch to secure a number of high visibility vests to help identify emergency workers. Deputy Beitz suggested securing one-use plastic wristbands to identify residents who may be authorized to re-enter evacuated areas.
Discussion on the status of emergency power for Emergency Operations Center at the Village Hall, the wastewater treatment plant and for Tri Par in order to make fuel available for emergency needs.
The village has two portable generators at the municipal garage. One could power the Emergency Operations Center and the other could be available to power the Tri Par fueling facilities if the proper interface were available at Tri Par. The sanitary lift pump has an automatic backup power source installed that will insure its operations in the event of a power loss. The wastewater treatment plant will continue to operate without power in the event of a power loss.
The Director of Emergency Management will contact Tri Par to discuss the possibility of an emergency power interface, the potential cost of it and any interest on the part of Tri Par in participating in the cost of installation.
The Superintendent of Public Works will be asked to estimate what would be necessary to provide appropriate housing for the emergency generator to be installed at the Village Hall.
Discussion of procedures for assisting damage to Public Works/Sanitary facilities. The Superintendent of Public Works had excused himself prior to reaching this item, so no discussion was held.
Discussion of scheduled warning siren testing. It was agreed that a test of the tornado warning siren would be conducted on the first Monday of the month at 11 a.m. Director Neils is currently preparing an article for the Bridges addressing Emergency Management issues and will include notice of this in this article.
Discussion and possible recommendation of a budget for Emergency Management. Discussion was held on probable costs for Emergency Management and it was agreed that they should not exceed $500 in total. President Sackett said that, in that event, he felt those costs could be covered by miscellaneous spending authority.
Miscellaneous Business
A motion was made by President Sackett and seconded by Trustee Chesak to adjourn. Motion passed.
Bill Cording, Clerk