Donations at the Community Center
From Lynn Burkard, Chair of the Community Center Commission:
I would like to thank you, my Village of Newburg, for being so generous during these difficult times. Sheepshead, at the Community Center (Tuesdays Noon-4pm) donated almost $600 to the Saukville Food Pantry. The Giving Tree and food barrel, located inside the Community Center, collected almost $300 in cash and 200 lbs of food. Pictures with Santa had some leftover treat bags that were donated to the Saukville Food Pantry to be included with the Holiday meal box on December 19th. Extra boxed cupcakes from Pictures with Santa were donated to a local church for the children’s Christmas service. Your donations don’t have to stop because Christmas is over – just drop off your donations at Village Hall or the Community Center each Tuesday! Thank you again, Newburg!