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Notice 03-19-2025 : Welcome! Check out our newly launched municipal website for all the information and services you need.

Public News

The Village of Newburg is nestled between Washington and Ozaukee Counties in southeastern Wisconsin. Our proud small-town, river-side community of 1,254 residents, welcomes you to visit the Milwaukee River, to recreate in our parks, and to get to know the neighbors at our community center and local restaurants and taverns.

Upcoming Events


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I have animals what do I need to do?

Dogs need to be licensed, cats do not. Chickens require a permit. All animal licenses and permits are handled by the Clerk/ Treasurer at Village Hall.

Do I need a building permit?

Questions regarding obtaining a building permit should be directed to the building inspector Jeff Thoma at or (262) 423-7730.

How do I pay my sanitary bill?

Sanitary bills can be paid through HEYGOV portal or at the Village Hall.